Thursday, October 21, 2010

Journal Entry #8

Most sepia toned prints are pictures of old or antique subjects.  A good sepia toned picture is one that has a good subject, such as an antique or old style, and is toned well. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journal Entry #5

 Good solarized prints usually have a metallic subject.  However it is very easy to use other subjects to make just as good of a solarized print.  These pictures each have a subject of either a person or of nature.  It is important to keep a picture very simple when you do solarization because if you have too many distractions the print may not come out the way you want it to. My first solarized print I liked a lot because of the subject and the way it ended up turning out.  The second I saw had to many distractions and too much light in certain areas.

Journal Entry #4

Each of these pictures are examples of polaroid transfers.  Polaroid transfers are pictures that have been taken with slide film and printed using a special enlarger and special print paper.  I like these polaroid transfers because they have interesting subjects and capture a certain emotion with each picture.  I pictures of two buildings: one ruined by fire and one full of life.  I did achieve what i wanted to with my transfers with the color and fadedness of the pics.