Thursday, October 21, 2010

Journal Entry #8

Most sepia toned prints are pictures of old or antique subjects.  A good sepia toned picture is one that has a good subject, such as an antique or old style, and is toned well. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journal Entry #5

 Good solarized prints usually have a metallic subject.  However it is very easy to use other subjects to make just as good of a solarized print.  These pictures each have a subject of either a person or of nature.  It is important to keep a picture very simple when you do solarization because if you have too many distractions the print may not come out the way you want it to. My first solarized print I liked a lot because of the subject and the way it ended up turning out.  The second I saw had to many distractions and too much light in certain areas.

Journal Entry #4

Each of these pictures are examples of polaroid transfers.  Polaroid transfers are pictures that have been taken with slide film and printed using a special enlarger and special print paper.  I like these polaroid transfers because they have interesting subjects and capture a certain emotion with each picture.  I pictures of two buildings: one ruined by fire and one full of life.  I did achieve what i wanted to with my transfers with the color and fadedness of the pics.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Journal entry #3

there are four layers in this photograph.  i like this photograph because of the way its set up with one boat in the front with the other boats right behind it and the dock being an extra layer in between the boats.  i dont think that any of the layers really  intersect.  
this photograph contains four or five layers; the water, the tree, the sunset, the clouds, and the orange and blue sky.  i like this particular photograph because the sunset looks amazing with this clouds sitting behind it.  the tree may be slightly distracting but i think it gives the picture a sort of extra tense to it.

this photograph contains about six layers.  the first being the girl followed by the towel then the shadow then the beach then the house and finally the sky and clouds.  the wall in front is the first layer followed by the trees then the gold top building and the city itself.  i dont think any of the layers in the photo are intersecting.  this is a good picture of layers although there are not many different layers.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Journal Entry #2

The reason I chose these two photos of 3200 film is because the are live action shots of music.  The grain on the first picture is very intense and it makes it easier to see the smoke in the background.   The layers on these two pictures are very good as well.  On the first picture there's the guitar, the keyboard, the guy, the smoke and the dark background behind the smoke.  In the second photo, there is the guitarist, the drums, and the backdrop.  I definitely like the grain of the higher film speed because it makes it look more film like and i prefer the film tone to pictures than the more digital looking pictures.  With the 3200 film you have more ability to shoot in low light situations which is good for what i will be shooting in the future with concerts that may be either at night or indoors.  One disadvantage may be that the grain can somtimes distract the viewer.  However I do not think that the grain will be that negative affecting one perception of a photo.

Journal Entry #1

My first roll of film for this year was shot at Monticello High School.  Most of the subjects of my photographs are things that I found interesting in the back area of the school.  My first picture I took used the rule of thirds in it.  The picture was a shot of a large crack in the sidewalk and the middle of the three part crack was put in the bottom left corner of the photograph.  I liked that picture because of the way it looks with the grainyness coming from the sidewalk concrete and the multiple rock like pieces of sidewalk in the center of the crack that draw your eyes to that specific area.  My second picture I took was the side of the building at an interesting angle.  I like that picture because of the angle at which i took the picture and how I could see some clouds in the background with making the building look too dark.  Developing these pictures, I did not feel the need to use filters, dodging, or burning.  However, I may need to do that in the future and I feel like I could make a picture look very nice using those things.